Deploing to Heroku
To be able to use Zenaton in your Heroku hosted app, you will need to use our Heroku buildpack. The buildpack will install a Zenaton Agent inside your dynos, allowing your application to dispatch tasks and workflows, send events, etc. You will also be able to use your dynos as Zenaton workers.
# Installation
To add the buildpack to your project, as well as the required environment variables, use the following commands:
# If this is a new Heroku project
heroku create
# Add the appropriate language-specific buildpack
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
# Add Zenaton buildpack and set your Zenaton credentials
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 zenaton/heroku-buildpack-zenaton
heroku config:set ZENATON_APP_ID=<ZENATON_APP_ID>
heroku config:set ZENATON_APP_ENV=production
# Deploy to Heroku
git push heroku master
with your Zenaton credentials.
# Worker dynos
If you want to use some dynos to perform the execution of workflows and tasks, you have to configure a new dyno type in your Procfile
which will start the Zenaton Agent, listen to an environment,
and display logs in the output so you can easily view it:
# Procfile
web: node index.js
worker: zenaton start && zenaton listen --boot YOUR_BOOT_FILE && tail -f zenaton.*
Keeping the dyno alive
The tail
command here also maintains the dyno alive. Because the worker is working in background, without the tail command Heroku will think the dyno crashed.