Deploing to Clever Cloud

To be able to use Zenaton in your Clever Cloud application, you just have to add a few environment variables on Clever Cloud dashboard.

Here is an easy tutorial on deploying your Zenaton tasks to your application:

# Installing the Zenaton Agent on your Clever Cloud Servers

To be able to start workflows and execute tasks asynchronously, you will need to install the Zenaton Agent. The Agent will connect to the Zenaton infrastructure, execute jobs when instructed and send results back so they can be reported on your dashboard.

To activate the Agent in your Clever Cloud application, add the following environment variables:

value: sh -c "zenaton start && zenaton listen --client"

OR if your servers hosting your web app are different than those processing tasks (which we recommend!), you should launch the Zenaton Agent in Client mode to avoid processing tasks. Client mode means that the Agent is able to dispatch workflows and tasks, send events, pause, kill and resume workflows, but will not handle any of the executions.
If you are launching your Agent in client mode, then add the following value instead:

value: sh -c "zenaton start && zenaton listen --client"


value: forking

Its should look like this when you're done:


Or like this if you are using Client Mode:


You will also need to add the following environment variables to identify your Zenaton application and environment. These can be found on your Zenaton dashboard.

variable: ZENATON_APP_ID
variable: ZENATON_APP_ENV 
(ie. production or staging or whatever you have called your environment)


Once you have activated the Zenaton Agent in your application, the logic for the tasks and workflows that you have written into your code can be sent to the Zenaton workflow engine and can be executed on your servers.